Our preserves

Discover the secrets of our selection of organic products.

D.O and I.G.P
Our entire range of products with Denomination of Origin and I.G.P.
100% fresh, seasonal produce
Our organic Gourmet preserves are prepared with fresh, seasonal raw materials cultivated on our land.
24 H
The produce is packaged less than 24 hours after it is harvested.
We avoid the indiscriminate use of chemical additives in order to bring the most natural products possible to your table.
Km 0
We prepare our preserves with raw materials from the banks of the Ebro river.
Our careful selection and production process is endorsed by four quality seals and other acknowledgements.

We are Manufacturers.
The difference lies in the selection.
100% of the products we sell are prepared in our facilities at Lodosa (Navarra).
Careful selection of the raw material and the utmost care in their preparation mean that our products keep all their properties and their authentic flavour.
All our products, gluten-free

Solidarity, our most sincere commitment.
Find out what projects we are partners in thanks to you.